- Project Name: Worker Housing Facilities
- Project Location: Conklin, Alberta
Project Challenge:
This project entailed the design and approval of wetland discharge for treated effluent from two exisiting 900 and 1500 person worker housing facilities.
Environmental/Regulatory Factors:
A primary goal of onsite disposal was to avoid trucking costs of more than $1 million per year. Approval by Alberta Environmental of biological, hydrogeological, and hydraulic analyses of the wetland was required.
Options considered:
At-grade disposal was initially considered, but rejected due to poor soils, shallow groundwater tables, and other failed systems in the area.
The 65,000 igpd and 115,000 igpd systems include tertiary treatment and effluent disposal via wetland discharge.
Result/Performance Data:
The systems were constructed in 2015 with startup of the 900 person-camp system in August 2015.