• Project Name: Camp Evergreen
  • Project Location: Sundre, Alberta

Map of Sundre, Alberta, Canada

Project Challenge:

Camp Evergreen is a youth camp in Alberta that was previously served by an aging collection system and sewage lagoon. The Camp is growing, and is looking to build a new lodge. With the new construction, an upgrade to the sewage infrastructure was required to meet current environmental standards.

Environmental/Regulatory Factors:

The design flow of the new facility is approximately 50 cubic meters at full buildout, which requires a provincial approval under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act in Alberta. Further, the project also involved a pipeline of treated effluent under a creek located between the treatment and soil disposal site.

Options considered:

To avoid a river crossing, several options were considered. However, the soils on the camp side of the creek consisted of heavy clay, and were not suitable for the construction of any type of subsurface disposal. On the west side of the creek, soils are permeable and conducive to effluent disposal. Therefore, a pipeline under the creek was required to move treated effluent from the treatment site (located near the Camp), and the disposal system.


An approval from Alberta Environment was received in 2020 and the project started construction in phases. In Spring 2021, the collection was installed, which consisted of 5 new septic tanks at various facilities within the Camp. The pipeline under the creek was installed in 2022, and construction of the treatment facilities is planned for 2023/2024.